A father and mother smiling with a toddler sitting on the dad's shoulders

Who We Are

DePelchin Children Center’s mission is to strengthen the lives of children by enhancing their mental health and physical well-being. DePelchin is based in Houston and also serves children and families in and around Austin, San Antonio, and Lubbock. 

2024 Impact

Children Cared
for in Foster Homes
Newly Licensed
Foster Families
Kids Adopted
by Forever Families
Hours of Counseling
Services Provided
Parent Education
Sessions Provided
Children Placed in
Foster Homes
Newly Licensed
Foster Families
Kids Adopted
by Forever Families
Hours of Counseling
Services Provided
Classes Provided

What We Do

DePelchin Children’s Center supports and sustains children and the families who care for them. We provide comprehensive services focused on ensuring all children are part of safe, caring homes.


Support from our volunteers is a vital part of DePelchin Children’s Center’s ability to achieve our mission. Each year, hundreds of volunteers donate their time to support various initiatives and in turn, make a difference in the lives of our children & families.

Refer A Family

Are you a provider working with a family who could benefit from one of our services? Please click the button below to complete our referral form. If you are a parent looking to enroll in services for your own family, please call us at 713- 730-2335.

Stay Informed

Visit our blog to become up-to-date with DePelchin’s latest news and learn more about organizational annoucements and accomplishments.